Monday, 18 March 2013

White Wagtail - National Bird of Latvia

The White Wagtail is a small bird found throughout Europe and Asia, as well as part of north Africa. Most populations are permanent residents, but northern birds will migrate to Africa in winter months. The preferred habitat of this bird includes open country near bodies of water. It has adapted to foraging for food in urban areas as well. 

Interesting & Amazing Facts About White Wagtail are:
  1.  It has distinctive black and white plumage, loud tsli-vitt call, and characteristic habit of constantly bobbing the tail, hence the common name ‘wagtail’.
  2. This is also known as pied wagtail.
  3. Nests are made in crevices of stone walls, both manmade and natural.
  4. The White Wagtail is an insectivorous bird of open country, often near habitation and water.
  5. The White Wagtail is the national bird of Latvia.
  6. Call of this bird is "chuchun-chuchun".
  7. This bird tends to prefer habitats close to water, such as river banks and lake edges. However it can also be seen in farmland, moorland, parks and gardens, as well as around sewage farms, reservoirs and in towns.
  8. The White Wagtail was originally described by Linnaeus in his 18th century work, Systema Naturae, and it still bears its original name of Motacilla alba.
  9. The Latin genus name originally meant "little mover", but certain medieval writers though it meant "wag-tail", giving rise to a new Latin word, cilla, for "tail". The species name, alba, is Latin for "white".
  10. Willy Wagtail was a colloquial name used on the Isle of Man, replacing the older name of ushag vreck.
  11. A group of wagtails are collectively known as a "flock" of wagtails.

African Fish Eagle - National Bird of Namibia, South Sudan, Zambia and Zimbabwe

One of the most well-known birds of prey in Africa, the African Fish Eagle has a distinctive call that some describe as the "Sound of Africa". As its name suggests the African Fish Eagle mainly lives on fish which it snatches from the water with its large talons. However it is also known to prey on birds, up to the size of a young flamingo.

Interesting & Amazing Fact about African Fish Eagle:
  1. The African Fish Eagle is a fairly large eagle. It has a distinctive black, brown, and white plumage.
  2. Ringing call of the African fish-eagle, weee-ah hyo-hyo-hyo, made with the head thrown back, has to be the most characteristic and evocative sound of African watersides.
  3. Call of this bird is also known as “Voice of Africa”.
  4. They also known as African fish eagle, fish eagle, river eagle.
  5. Latin name of this bird is Haliaeetus vocifer.
  6. French Name of this bird is Aigle pĂȘcheur.
  7. The African fish-eagle is a proficient hunter, with live fish accounting for the bulk of its diet. It typically hunts from a high perch on a waterside tree, where it can watch for fish moving close to the water’s surface.
  8. Adult African fish-eagles are normally seen in pairs, but on large, productive lakes, nests and roosts may be only a few hundred metres apart.
  9. The female normally lays one to three eggs in the nest, which are incubated for around 44 days before hatching.
  10. The African fish-eagle occurs throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa.
  11. African Fish Eagle is the national bird of Namibia, South Sudan, Zambia and Zimbabwe.