
Thursday 7 March 2013

Himalayan Bulbul - National Bird of Bahrain

The Himalayan Bulbul (Pycnonotus leucogenys) is a species of songbird in the Pycnonotidae family. If they are mixed with humans from a young age, they will become friendly to humans. It is found in the northern regions of the Indian Subcontinent as well as some adjoining areas. It is found in Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Tajikistan. Himalayan Bulbul is a national bird of Bahrain.

Interesting & Amazing Facts about Himalayan Bulbul are: 

  1. Himalayan Bulbul is a greyish brown bulbul, with conspicuous white cheeks which contrast with the entirely black hood. 
  2. It has a black head and throat, with bold white blaze below eye, over cheeks and on the sides of neck. 
  3. The upperparts are dull grey with darker flight feathers, and black-brown tail whose feathers show terminal white spots. The chest is pale dusky-brown.
  4. Eyes are red-brown, with narrow yellow eye ring. It has black bill and legs.
  5. Both sexes are similar. Juvenile has duller, browner head than adult.
  6. Himalayan Bulbul’s song is generally melodious. That is a liquid, bubbly, chattering, seemingly a repetition of the phrase “oo-toodle-oo”. Alarm call is a sharp “pit”.
  7. Himalayan Bulbul lives in subtropical areas, in warm dry areas from coastal mangroves to 2000 metres. Himalayan Bulbul catches insects on the ground. It also hawks flying insects.
  8. It starts the pursuit from a perch, often in the evening. It perches on bush top, bowing, fluttering wings and tail, and constantly uttering calls in series.
  9. Himalayan Bulbul is essentially resident, though populations of Himalayan foothills have some local upward altitudinal movement to find food. 
  10. It is a garden and park bird, but also found in high mountains. It is an energetic and noisy bird.
  11. Himalayan Bulbul has an agile flight to chase insects from perches.
  12. Himalayan Bulbul’s nest is located in a low bush, or sometimes, in branches of low tree.
  13. Female lays 2 to 5 eggs. Incubation lasts 12 days, mainly by female, but young are fed by both parents.
  14. Himalayan Bulbul eats mainly insects, fruit and berries, seeds, buds and nectar. 
  15. Himalayan Bulbul is not globally threatened. It is widespread and common. This species benefits from the deforestation and comes near human habitations. 
  16. It may be classified as crop pest in some regions where it damages the crops of small fruits.

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