Saturday 4 May 2013

Clay Colored Thrush - National Bird of Costa Rica

The Clay-colored Thrush (Turdus grayi) is a common Middle American bird of the thrush family (Turdidae). It is the national bird of Costa Rica, where it is well known as the yigüirro. It was known as the Clay-colored Robin until 2010.

Interesting and Amazing facts about Clay-colored Thrush are:
  1. In Panama, this species elects to breed in the dry season, despite limited food availability, presumably because the danger from predation is less.
  2. It will follow army ants to feed on small prey disturbed by the ant columns.
  3. With their springtime songs, Clay-colored Thrush are said to call in the rains at the start of Costa Rica's rainy season which begins in May.
  4. A group of robins are collectively known as a "worm" of robins.
  5. This species' range spans from southern Texas to northern Columbia, and is found along the Atlantic slope between these two areas.
  6. They are very common in urban areas, including yards and gardens.
  7. It is large thrush with olive-brown upperparts, buff throat has faint brown streaks, and pale brown underparts.
  8. This bird’s bill is yellow-green with black-tipped and legs & feet are gray-black.
  9. It is the national bird of Costa Rica.
  10. Both sexes are similar.
  11. Juvenile has light spots on upperwing coverts.
  12. They laid two to four pale blue eggs dotted with brown, gray; in a cup nest made of mud, grass, and twigs, and built low in a tree or shrub.
  13. Incubation ranges from 12 to 14 days and is carried out by the female.
  14. They eat insects, caterpillars, and some berries and fruits; occasionally takes snails, small amphibians, and reptiles.
  15. Calling song of this bird is a slow, long, and caroling of various musical phrases such as "cheerily-cheer-up-cheerio."

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